Title: Shatrughna: The Valiant Hero of Ramayana
In the epic tale of Ramayana, among the many revered characters, one often overshadowed but equally significant personality is Shatrughna. Known for his unwavering loyalty, […]
In the epic tale of Ramayana, among the many revered characters, one often overshadowed but equally significant personality is Shatrughna. Known for his unwavering loyalty, […]
The Ramayana is not just a story: it presents the teachings of ancient Hindu sages (Vedas) in narrative allegory, interspersing philosophical and devotional elements. The […]
All versions of the Ramayana are unanimous in reiterating Sita Ji’s fidelity and devotion towards Rama even in times of extreme adversity. For example, when […]
Searching for the ancient roots is always an important journey. The connection of India and Sri Lanka have been immortalized in the Hindu epic Ramayana. […]
Welcome back to 8metals. Today we will talk about another important character from the Hindu mythology. This character is the ultimate example that demons are […]
The Hindu epic Ramayana is noted for many daring conquests and valiant war heroes. Vali or Bali was one such super powerful character. He was […]