Title: Shatrughna: The Valiant Hero of Ramayana
In the epic tale of Ramayana, among the many revered characters, one often overshadowed but equally significant personality is Shatrughna. Known for his unwavering loyalty, […]
In the epic tale of Ramayana, among the many revered characters, one often overshadowed but equally significant personality is Shatrughna. Known for his unwavering loyalty, […]
Everyone talks about Yudhishthira’s righteousness, Bhima’s strength, Arjun’s valour, Draupadi’s honour, Duryodhana’s cruelty, Karna’s loyalty, Krishna’s supremacy whenever the topic of Mahabharata comes up. A […]
Marrying a widow does not seem to be such an issue during the Mahabharata times, as it became much later. None other than the heroic […]
Nobody knows exactly when the first Chola kings took power in the southern point of India, but certainly, the Chola Dynasty was established by the […]
The Ramayana is not just a story: it presents the teachings of ancient Hindu sages (Vedas) in narrative allegory, interspersing philosophical and devotional elements. The […]
The idea that the Pyramids and the Sphinx at the Giza plateau were submerged once under a large amount of water has troubled experts who […]