August 8, 2020

Prophecies of Nostradamus 2020

By admin

The Prophecies of Nostradamus have created an air of enthusiasm in the world of Science. Where the whole world is struggling with Covid 19 pandemic, it’s very interesting to note that all this was already told by Nostradamus years before. So let’s look into the most needed prophecies of the times.

Nostradamus: Nostradamus, the French astrologer and physician whose prophecies earned him fame and a loyal following during his lifetime, was born in 1503. In the centuries since his death, people have credited him with accurately predicting pivotal events in history, from the French Revolution to the rise of Adolf Hitler to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 and even the 2020 coronavirus. His book, The Prophecies, was published in 1555, and has since earned him worldwide fame. According to Nostradamus, the world is slated to end in the year 3797.

Nostradamus and the plague: Nostradamus travelled throughout France and Italy, treating victims of the plague. There was no known remedy at the time; most doctors relied on potions made of mercury, the practice of bloodletting and dressing patients in garlic-soaked robes. Nostradamus had developed some very progressive methods for dealing with the plague. He didn’t bleed his patients, instead practicing effective hygiene and encouraging the removal of the infected corpses from city streets. He became known for creating a “rose pill,” an herbal lozenge made of rosehips (rich in Vitamin C) that provided some relief for patients with mild cases of the plague. His cure rate was impressive, though much can be attributed to keeping his patients clean, administering low-fat diets and providing plenty of fresh air.

Occult and Nostradamus: In 1538, an offhanded remark about a religious statue resulted in charges of heresy against Nostradamus. When ordered to appear before the Church Inquisition, he wisely chose to leave Province to travel for several years through Italy, Greece and Turkey. During his travels to the ancient mystery schools, it is believed that Nostradamus experienced a psychic awakening. One of the legends of Nostradamus says that, during his travels in Italy, he came upon a group of Franciscan monks, identifying one as the future Pope. The monk, called Felicia Petretti, was ordained Pope Sixths V in 1585, fulfilling the prediction of Nostradamus. It is said that he would spend hours in his study at night meditating in front of a bowl filled with water and herbs. The meditation would bring on a trance and visions. It is believed the visions were the basis of his predictions for the future.

Corona Virus Prediction: Hundreds of conspiracy theorists have now taken to social media to claim Nostradamus knew of coronavirus nearly 500 years ago. Nostradamus penned his supposed prophecies of the future in cryptic, four-lined poems known as quatrains. The bulk of Nostradamus’ writings were published in 1555, in his magnum opus Les Prophecies. In terms of Corona virus pandemic, he mentioned that There will be a twin year (2020) from which will arise a queen (corona) who will come from the east (China) and who will spread a plague (virus) in the darkness of night, on a country with 7 hills (Italy) and will transform the twilight of men into dust (death), to destroy and ruin the world. It will be the end of the world economy as you know it. Moreover, he mentioned that in the process, humans will develop such medicines that will increase the age of humans by many years. To make this more clearer, let’s look into some of his predictions that came true.

The Death of Henry II: According to the prophecy,” The young lion will overcome the older one, On the field of combat in a single battle, He will pierce his eyes through a golden cage, Two wounds made one, then he dies a cruel death.” In reality, In the summer of 1559 King Henry II of France (older one) lined up to joust Gabriel, Comte de Montgomery, (young lion), who was six years his junior. The tournament was held to celebrate the upcoming wedding of the king’s daughter. In their final pass, Montgomery’s lance tilted up, burst through the king’s poorly-secured visor (pierce his eyes through a golden cage), and splintered, according to “On the death of Henry II.”

Adolf Hitler: The prophecy said, “ From the depths of the West of Europe, A young child will be born of poor people, He who by his tongue will seduce a great troop His fame will increase towards the realm of the East.” On April 20, 1889 Adolf Hitler was born in Austria, which is in Western Europe. But his family was middle class, not impoverished. Hitler did rise to power in part due to his oratory abilities (by his tongue will seduce), and did initiate WWII (a great troop) by invading Poland. Some Nostradamus supporters have posited that Hister is a mispelling of Hitler, but it’s actually the Latin term for the Danube. There are many other predictions like the Great Fire of London and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki which came true. However, some interesting ancient roots can be traced through his Prophecies. So let’s explore them.

Digging up ancient roots: Now this is a very interesting fact. The prophecy Nostradamus made about the current pandemic included the discovery of such medicines which will increase the life span of humans. In a few of our previous articles, we talked about the idea of space humans and how scientific progress will innovate such technologies that will increase the life span of humans. If haven’t yet read it, surely give it a read. Here the idea is quite similar. The continuous science improvements will soon create a world which will no longer be a suitable living place for humans. According to Nostradamus, the world will come to an end in the year 3797. Well the modern science is not far behind. According to recent scientific discoveries, the present civilization will soon come to an end in the near future. And as mentioned, this will be due to the acts of humans destroying the nature and becoming more and more dependent on gadgets. So now NASA is sending scientists to space to stay up and research. They are thinking of setting up space colonies where in the near future, humans can stay. So the future is not far it seems. Much similar to Nostradamus’s view, the humans who go up in space to stay will live much longer than the humans on earth. This is because, time goes on slower in space due to the lack of gravitational force. Earth one year is equal to near about only a day in space. This calculation will further increase if the distance is longer than the distance of earth to sun. So naturally these people will live longer. Moreover, the presence of advanced technologies will make it more easier. Aren’t these quite similar to the concept of aliens that some historians refer to. According to historians, many years prior in our ancient world some aliens or extra-terrestrial beings came who taught primal people the modern technologies and thus pyramids or like monuments came up. In terms of science, time is a rotating cycle and hence whatever happened in the past will again happen in future. Thus Nostradamus was meaning the same thing. Previously we had Gods and Devas who were very powerful and free from diseases. They lived much longer. Similarly, modern humans will develop such technologies or medicines bringing the ancient era back again. So surely the sayings of Nostradamus were future telling which we will probably witness in the coming future.

Nostradamus’s popularity seems to be due in part to the fact that the vagueness of his writings and their lack of specific dates make it easy to selectively quote them after any major dramatic events and retrospectively claim them as true. Some scholars believe he was not writing to be a prophet but writing to comment on events of his time and the people in it. Whatever his method or intentions, Nostradamus’ timeless predictions continue to make him popular to those seeking answers to life’s more difficult questions.